Neuroptimal Feedback Therapy
NeurOptimal® is an advanced neurotechnology designed to train the brain to function at peak performance levels. This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but rather a training for the brain.
It doesn’t matter what your starting point is — EVERY brain can benefit and tap into its own unique optimal state.
NeurOptimal (R) sessions are 33 minutes in duration, and are $90 per session. Packages of 10 sessions may be purchased for $800, or packages of 20 sessions for $1500.
NeurOptimal® & Sleep
Sleep isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity for good overall health and wellness. Research consistently demonstrates the integral role of sleep in immune system strengthening, heart health, weight regulation, mood enhancement, and even memory consolidation. In essence, a good night’s sleep is pivotal to functioning at our very best. And if you’re among the many looking to promote healthy sleep habits, NeurOptimal® neurofeedback may be the solution for you.
NeurOptimal®, the forefront of neurofeedback brain training technology, can help with sleep management. With its intuitive design, ease of use, and backed by millions of hours of real-world application, NeurOptimal® stands out as an effective and safe choice for those wanting to promote healthy sleep habits.
NeurOptimal® & Focus
Brain training with NeurOptimal® neurofeedback can help you function more efficiently and at your very best in all aspects of your life: at home, at school, at work, in sports & athletics, and even at play! Many NeurOptimal® users report life changing results. Mentally clouded individuals, due to injury or life circumstances, tell us how after using NeurOptimal® they’ve rediscovered clarity to an extent they and their loved ones once believed unattainable.
NeurOptimal® has helped improve the mental acuity of executives, entrepreneurs, and business owners. NeurOptimal® neurofeedback has also helped improve the lives of students of all ages suffering from communication challenges as well as general difficulties focusing in the classroom. Many challenges stemming from lack of confidence and stress commonly fall away when the brain is trained and functioning properly.
NeurOptimal® and Sports
Have you ever noticed how a quarterback can immediately improvise when a play doesn’t go as planned? Or how a hockey player can anticipate the movements of other players, all while skating at top speed? Or how a soccer player can predict the trajectory and distance of the ball as soon as it is kicked? Or how a boxer can instantly recoil to avoid an opponent’s blow?
There simply is no denying that when an athlete’s brain and body are working in tandem, making accurate split-second decisions, and effortlessly pivoting as the need to do so develops, they are performing at their personal best.
NeurOptimal® and Sports
When we, as educators, break those skills down even more, we think of:
- Socialization Skills help with being happy, communicating with others, resolving conflict and learning to compromise.
- Cognitive Skills cover what we think of as reading, writing, math, science, history, health, and P.E.
- Problem Solving/Reasoning Skills relate to the “what if’s” (problem solving) and the “yeah buts” (reasoning), skills needed for them to survive on their own.
NeurOptimal® and Biohacking
What is biohacking? Biohacking is a broad term that describes the many varied aspects of self-improvement through the use of biology, science and technology… but in essence comes down to a universal goal: the desire to feel better. Improving physical strength & endurance, as well as mental fortitude & resilience, are common targets for biohackers. Anti-aging and recovery from injury or illness are also important objectives for the biohacking community.
There is, however, much more involved. Humans by nature are curious creatures. Biohacking helps us better understand our minds and bodies by using powerful, results-driven tools that can measure and promote wellness safely and non-invasively. Training your brain with NeurOptimal® is one such modality that can have you functioning at your personal best, whatever that may be.
NeurOptimal (R) at Prospectively Healthy & Wellness Clinic
NeurOptimal® offers information to the brain about what it has just done, which the brain can then use to organize itself. But how does it do that?
During a NeurOptimal® session you will wear ear clips and two small sensors on the sides of your head. These pick up the delicate electrical activity of your brain. You relax and close your eyes and listen to music or watch a movie. NeurOptimal® processes your brain signals very rapidly and when it detects them moving into an “instability”, the music or movie pauses very briefly. That’s it. That’s all that happens. This is the “feedback”.

Our NeurOptimal NeuroFeedback Team