Environmental Toxin Screening

Author: Tori Flax, LPN-IV

Ever wonder what your surroundings are doing to you on the inside?

Environmental Toxin Screening at Prospectively Healthy

In today’s world, a person cannot open their door without being hit with environmental toxins. It’s important to do what we can to limit exposure to these toxins but also to be proactive in screening for them. Environmental Toxins testing is offered at Prospectively Healthy & Wellness in both Hays and Oakley, can do just that.

Environmental Toxins testing includes an assessment of the organic acids in your digestive tract, as well as looking for key markers such as glyphosate and over 100 other biomarkers revolving around environmental health. The tests are designed to assess both exposures, and how your body responds to that exposure. This includes gut health, neurotransmitter metabolism, detoxification capacity, and nutritional status. This helps give patients a clear understanding of their toxin levels, and how those toxin levels may be impacting energy production, gut health, brain function, and ability to detoxify harmful substances.

Environmental Harm

Common symptoms of environmental toxin exposure include respiratory issues, allergies year-round, headaches, impaired cognitive function, ocular irritation, muscle aches, difficulty concentrating, and fatigue. Sources for environmental toxins can include airborne toxins like pesticides, herbicides, and poor ventilation, building materials such as lead and asbestos, and drinking water as well as ground soil. Environmental exposure may also occur at work for farmers, construction workers, and mechanics.

Environmental Toxins Screening is an investment in your health, this simple urine test can give you peace of mind and answers that most blood tests cannot. With a quick turn around time of just 10 days, you will have the answers you are looking for in no time.


Please consult your primary care provider or qualified healthcare professional if you are on the following medications, as your results are most accurate if they paused for 4 days prior to your lab testing: Cephalexin, Cefalexin, Keflex, Bio-Cef, Novo-Lexin.

Additionally, antibiotics should not be taken within 48 hours of collection, so be sure to finish any antibiotic protocol at least 48 hours prior. You’ll also need to avoid the following foods/supplements for 48hrs prior to collection: apples and apple juice, grapes and grape juice, raisins, pears and pear juice, cranberries and cranberry juice, echinacea, reishi mushrooms, arabinogalactan, and ribose supplements.

Prospectively Healthy’s Environmental Toxins Screening is a VERY easy test. Your collection kit will be mailed to your house, for you to collect your urine in the privacy of your own home. The urine collection kit makes this test a breeze- there’s no need for blood, saliva, or serum. When you’ve finished all the instructions for collection, just add the pre-paid label to the outside of the box and return it to our office or your local UPS drop-off site. Additional directions will be available for anyone who partakes in this in-depth toxin panel.

How to Get Started

Please note we do not bill insurance in our office, which means you do NOT need a referral, a prior authorization, or a doctor’s order to request your Environmental Toxins Screening. Results may be discussed in length at any office visit with Dr. Moffitt if you wish and are not included in the price of the test. If you’d like to see how your surroundings are impacting you on the inside, just call our office and place your order over the phone, or book online at www.prospectivelyhealthy.com/bookivtherapy.

We hope that this short article will inspire you to come see us at Prospectively Healthy & Wellness Clinic, in Hays, Kansas, to get your Environmental Toxins Screening scheduled soon!


External Lab Company, Mosaic Diagnostics

From the Author:

I started my health care journey, looking back, as a child. I enjoyed the theories that involved natural world in healing practices. I was always following my mom around her career as nurse, and fell in love with geriatric care when I was probably 8yrs old. Fast forward to five years ago, I started my own path to getting my nursing degree. I’m currently at FHSU getting my BSN and hope to jump right into the Nurse Practitioner program immediately following graduation.

With gratitude,
