Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary healthcare profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process. The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods.
Additionally, it prioritized therapeutic order. Therapeutic order states that the least invasive method is always the first line of treatment, using plant based medicine, supplements, and patient education first when applicable. Additional modalities may be added when patient lifestyle, degree of illness, and condition indicate the need to do so.
- Do No Harm (Primum non Nocere): Naturopathic physicians choose the most non-invasive and least toxic treatments necessary for each patient.
- The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae): Naturopathic doctors recognize the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
- Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam): Naturopathic doctors identify, address and remove the underlying causes of disease.
- Doctor as Teacher (Docere): Educating and supporting patients on personal health management is an important role of an ND. Naturopathic physicians empower patients to take responsibility for their own health. NDs also acknowledge the therapeutic value inherent in the doctor-patient relationship.
- Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum): This is a holistic concept that recognizes the body as an integrated whole. Naturopathic doctors treat the patient, not the disease. A naturopathic assessment addresses the nutritional status, lifestyle, family history, physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental and social factors in a person’s life.
- Prevention (Praevenic): Naturopathic doctors promote a focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention.
The Right Tools For The Right Solution. Every Time.
All Naturopathic Doctor and Clinical Services are offered at both 209 W 12th Street, Hays KS 67601 & 211 Cherry Ave, Suite 101, Oakley, KS 67748