Dustin Moffitt

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So far ProHealthAdmin has created 73 blog entries.

Anti-cancer properties of a fitness lifestyle


Weekend Warrior and the science of anti-cancer fitness  By Dr. Geo Espinosa You want a quick way to get hurt, go out Sunday morning and play 2-hours of any sport while your weekdays are sedentary. This has nothing to do with age. I play pick up basketball games with men over 60 on the weekends. [...]

Anti-cancer properties of a fitness lifestyle2013-10-05T21:09:36+00:00

Naturopathic Medicine Week


Naturopathic Medicine Week Celebrate the Healing Power of Nature! October 7-13, 2013, will be Naturopathic Medicine Week, the first national awareness week in AANP’s history – and a terrific opportunity to promote the benefits of naturopathic medicine to the public, prospective patients, legislators, and opinion leaders. Here are some ideas for activities and events that [...]

Naturopathic Medicine Week2013-10-04T21:51:51+00:00

Medical Disclaimer


Medical Disclaimer All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. We cannot and do not give you medical advice. You should seek prompt medical care for any specific health issues and consult your physician before purchasing any product(s). The information [...]

Medical Disclaimer2013-09-23T03:34:55+00:00

Nut Butter Cups


Superfood Nut Butter Cups March 7, 2013 <img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1206" alt="nutbuttercups" src="http://mynewroots.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/nutbuttercups.jpg" width="680" height="900" /> I had pretty peculiar and passionate habits around candy as a kid. You can imagine then, that my favorite holiday of the year was Halloween. I clearly remember coming home at the end of an exhausting night with my [...]

Nut Butter Cups2013-09-16T18:07:55+00:00

How to choose your salad greens.


by Jordan Shakeshaft Sep 13, 2013 Build your bounty on top of a deserving bed of lettuce with these tips on choosing the healthiest greens Headed to a hoppin' salad bar for lunch? Chances are there will be handfuls of fresh greens up for grabs, from romaine and iceberg to spinach and red leaf lettuce. [...]

How to choose your salad greens.2013-09-15T04:43:28+00:00

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Passes Naturopathic Medicine Week Resolution‏


Senate Passes Naturopathic Medicine Week Resolution The U.S. Senate last night unanimously passed a resolution designating October 7 - October 13 as Naturopathic Medicine Week. The resolution recognizes the value of naturopathic medicine in providing "safe, effective, and affordable health care..." and encourages Americans to learn about the role of naturopathic physicians in preventing chronic [...]

BREAKING NEWS: Senate Passes Naturopathic Medicine Week Resolution‏2013-09-11T17:36:13+00:00

Do you ever wonder why you are not “full” after some foods?


          This is a great visual example of why we often over indulge. Our body is not able to feel that we just ingested 400 calories of oil or meat in 3 minutes, as it did not trigger a stretch response in the stomach. That is why you feel full, yet [...]

Do you ever wonder why you are not “full” after some foods?2013-08-28T16:21:37+00:00

Rethink your drink.


This is a great example of why we should start out the day with a couple glasses of water. It is also a good habit to do by drinking a few glasses about 30 minutes before each meal, as this will help you keep from over indulging. Drinks are so easy to consume, that we [...]

Rethink your drink.2013-08-21T23:06:17+00:00

Doctor shortage? Remove barriers to naturopathic doctors


Aug 19, 2013, 12:17pm PDT David Schleich, guest columnist <a target="_blank" href="http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=BCbnnQgsTUuOcOoz6kgSZqICIBpHan_gDAAAAEAEgADgAUKaD6MYHWIm12dlcYMmG_ovMpNQZggEXY2EtcHViLTk3MzYwOTI2MDQ2Nzc1MTayARN3d3cuYml6am91cm5hbHMuY29tugEJZ2ZwX2ltYWdlyAEJ2gFwaHR0cDovL3d3dy5iaXpqb3VybmFscy5jb20vcG9ydGxhbmQvYmxvZy9oZWFsdGgtY2FyZS1pbmMvMjAxMy8wOC9kb2N0b3Itc2hvcnRhZ2UtcmVtb3ZlLWJhcnJpZXJzLXRvLmh0bWw_cz1wcmludJgCiCfAAgLgAgDqAhY0NjM1L2J6ai5wb3J0bGFuZC9ibG9n-AKB0h6QA6wCmAPgA6gDAeAEAaAGHg&num=0&sig=AOD64_2ujTHZjMZdcw7iOm0auatX6MDKpQ&client=ca-pub-9736092604677516&adurl=http%3A%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3e44/3/0/%2a/n%3B271552295%3B1-0%3B0%3B97328117%3B4307-300/250%3B54167876/54072394/1%3Bu%3Dbzj-11743990653_1376979776%2C130be13d14042de%2Cbzj%2Cbzj.bzj_l%3B%7Esscs%3D%3fhttps://www.key.com/corporate/financing/corporate-asset-based-lending.jsp?ppc=13Q1_CMP1773_EMABC__pd_BizJourn_300x250_Growth"><img src="http://s0.2mdn.net/3501147/74191_KB_ABLGrowthBanner_300x250.jpg" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt="Advertisement" galleryimg="no"></a> <a href="http://a.collective-media.net/jump/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=2;pos=c1;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" target="_blank"><img src="http://a.collective-media.net/ad/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=2;pos=c1;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" width="300" height="250" border="0" /></a>   David Schleich, president of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, says barriers should be removed to making naturopaths primary care providers. <a href="http://a.collective-media.net/jump/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=3;pos=c2;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" target="_blank"><img src="http://a.collective-media.net/ad/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=3;pos=c2;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" width="300" height="250" border="0" [...]

Doctor shortage? Remove barriers to naturopathic doctors2013-08-20T06:43:28+00:00


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