Earth Mama Organics makes clean, safe and effective herbal solutions for the entire journey of motherhood, including pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby care and even the loss of a baby. Trusted by doctors, midwives, neonatal intensive care units, lactation consultants and mamas worldwide, Earth Mama combines generations of women’s wisdom, traditional herbal remedies and evidence-based research to formulate certified organic herbal tea, soaps, balms, lotions, soothing sprays, and the first Non-GMO Project Verified nipple cream.

Prospectively Healthy carries the following products in-store, and can be shipped directly to you in just two business days: Earth Mama Organics No-Scents Baby Lotion and Baby Wash, Earth Mama Organics Diaper Balm, Earth Mama Organics Nipple Butter, Earth Mama Organics Milkmaid Tea, and Earth Mama Organics Herbal Sitz Bath. All other products can be ordered through their website. You can see their pregnancy products here, their postpartum products here, breastfeeding products like Milk Maid Tea & Nipple Butter here, and last, but definitely not least, their baby specific products here!


For helping choosing products, please do not hesitate to reach out! We would love to answer your questions, and help you find the products that work best for you.


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