Celebrate National Peanut Lover’s Day with Prospectively Healthy
National Peanut Lover’s Day is celebrated nationally on March 15th. With such a simple holiday, why not put some new twists to the day and celebrate peanuts? Who doesn’t love PEANUTS in one way or another? They’re key things in peanut butter, the best part of Crackerjack, and even the main ingredient of mixed nuts. Whether roasted, salted, or even in your peanut butter, these are delicious snacks and nutritious! So let’s Celebrate the National Peanut Lover’s Day in as many forms as possible. Whether it is trying some new recipes or learning some new facts, we’re here to help!
Peanut Fun Facts:
- Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth
- Roasted nutshells were used as a coffee substitute during the civil war
- Goober-nickname for peanuts comes from “nguba”, the Congo name for peanuts.
The Rundown on Peanut Nutrition:
All items listed below are major minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in peanuts!
- First, there’s Vitamin E: In accordance to MedicinePlus Vitamin E is an antioxidant that aids in protecting cells from oxidative stress (1)
Second, Magnesium: essential for muscle function, energy production, and function (2)
Don’t Forget Folic Acid: Essential for new healthy cells
Copper: Copper is essential for red blood cell formation and cardiac cycle health. Also essential for the performance and health of the immune system, skeletal and nervous system. (3)
Phosphorus: significant for teeth and bone formation! (4).
Manganese: essential in regulating muscle and nerve function, maintaining blood sugar levels, and healthy blood pressure (6).
Lastly, Niacin: Also known as B3, can help protect skin from sun damage, can convert food to energy and is great for the nervous system. (6)
A half-cup of peanuts contain around 17 grams of protein!! This provides necessary nutrients, protein contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass, growth, and recovery. (7)
Good Fats:
Peanuts are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease because they contain unsaturated fat. Scientific research suggests, that consuming 1.5 ounces per day of nuts, could reduce the risk of heart disease. (7)
Fueled By the Peanut
We can all agree that peanuts are a tasty snack for all ages. But did you know that they are also healthy for your next workout??
The best way to fuel and maintain an active lifestyle is by nourishing your body with the right foods! Before/after a workout it is important to adequately fuel your body. With proper fuel, your body will be armored for the next adventure of the day.
Quick Tips
Make the most of your pre-post workout meals or snacks by:
- Add a spoonful or two of peanut butter to morning oatmeal with berries
- A handful of lightly salted or unsalted peanuts right before or 30 minutes before your workout
- Try our Prospectively Healthy PB Lover Smoothie! See recipe card BELOW
- Mix raisins and peanuts for a nutrient stacked snack with antioxidants, fiber, and protein
- To add protein and a nice crunch, toss some unsalted or lightly salted peanuts on a salad
Whether you exercise a couple of times a week, are an athlete, or even a weekend warrior. Peanuts or peanut butter can be a nutritious part of your snacks or meals for well-being, performance, and recovery.
The Big Picture
Peanuts are actually HEALTHY for the MIND.
Just like the rest of your body your brain requires blood flow. A slow blood flow can result in learning, memory, and even your mood.
Natural and healthy chemicals in peanuts deliver benefits far beyond typical nutritional needs. Resveratrol, a natural chemical found in peanuts, is known to improve blood flow to the brain by nearly 30%—JUST BY PEANUTS!
This can lead to a reduced chance of stroke while increasing your capabilities such as speech, processing speed, and short-term memory. Peanuts contain substances that improve vein and artery width and reactions in the brain (5).
Polyphenols– a class of compounds typically found in legumes (peanuts!!!). Polyphenols are major antioxidants and protectors of diseases of the brain. These compounds have the ability to protect brain cells against toxins, and to improve short & long-term memory (10).
Final Food For Thought
All of these benefits can be YOURS just by consuming peanuts or even joining us for a Healthy Mind course! Who knew that scooping a handful of peanuts out of the Orschlen’s bucket (2000’s life) can improve your cognitive functions?? If you still feel like eating more peanuts when the day comes to an end….don’t worry!! The whole month of March is National Peanut Month. Go ahead and try your new recipes for you and your loved ones. You can never get tired of peanuts! If you have any tips or comments please message us! We would love to hear from you!

About the Author:
Name: Caitlin Tinkham, Intern
Occupation: Physical Therapist Assistant
Education: Fort Hays State University, Health & Human Performance
Background: Diverse exposure in nutrition, wellness, culture, and gratitude
Hobbies: active and healthy lifestyle, traveling, Pinterest, TikTok workouts
My journey so far has not been long, but very grateful for every moment of it.
Check out our very own Prospectively Healthy Recipe! We prefer to add Orgain Organic Chocolate Protein Powder! Or you can choose any protein powder that you prefer! Due to the vary of protein powders and their nutrition. Nutrition label here shows prior to the protein powder added.

(1)Medline Plus. Vitamin E. Available at: Accessed on March 2nd 2022.
(2)Medline Plus. Magnesium in the Diet. Accessed on March 2nd 2022
(3)Medline Plus. Copper in diet. Available at:Accessed on March 2nd 2022.
(4)Medline Plus. Phosphorus in diet. Accessed on March 2nd 2022
(5)U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2021). Office of dietary supplements – magnesium. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. Retrieved March 3rd, 2022
(6)Spot Check Clinic. Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide). Available 2022. Accessed on March 3rd 2022.
(7)Allina Health’s Patient Education Department experts. (2019). Nuts. Protein in nuts | Nutrition basics. Retrieved March 3, 2022
(8)NCBI.NIH. Plant Polyphenols as Dietary Antioxidants in Human Health and Disease