
Doctor shortage? Remove barriers to naturopathic doctors


Aug 19, 2013, 12:17pm PDT David Schleich, guest columnist <a target="_blank" href="http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=BCbnnQgsTUuOcOoz6kgSZqICIBpHan_gDAAAAEAEgADgAUKaD6MYHWIm12dlcYMmG_ovMpNQZggEXY2EtcHViLTk3MzYwOTI2MDQ2Nzc1MTayARN3d3cuYml6am91cm5hbHMuY29tugEJZ2ZwX2ltYWdlyAEJ2gFwaHR0cDovL3d3dy5iaXpqb3VybmFscy5jb20vcG9ydGxhbmQvYmxvZy9oZWFsdGgtY2FyZS1pbmMvMjAxMy8wOC9kb2N0b3Itc2hvcnRhZ2UtcmVtb3ZlLWJhcnJpZXJzLXRvLmh0bWw_cz1wcmludJgCiCfAAgLgAgDqAhY0NjM1L2J6ai5wb3J0bGFuZC9ibG9n-AKB0h6QA6wCmAPgA6gDAeAEAaAGHg&num=0&sig=AOD64_2ujTHZjMZdcw7iOm0auatX6MDKpQ&client=ca-pub-9736092604677516&adurl=http%3A%2F%2Fad.doubleclick.net/click%3Bh%3Dv8/3e44/3/0/%2a/n%3B271552295%3B1-0%3B0%3B97328117%3B4307-300/250%3B54167876/54072394/1%3Bu%3Dbzj-11743990653_1376979776%2C130be13d14042de%2Cbzj%2Cbzj.bzj_l%3B%7Esscs%3D%3fhttps://www.key.com/corporate/financing/corporate-asset-based-lending.jsp?ppc=13Q1_CMP1773_EMABC__pd_BizJourn_300x250_Growth"><img src="http://s0.2mdn.net/3501147/74191_KB_ABLGrowthBanner_300x250.jpg" width="300" height="250" border="0" alt="Advertisement" galleryimg="no"></a> <a href="http://a.collective-media.net/jump/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=2;pos=c1;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" target="_blank"><img src="http://a.collective-media.net/ad/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=2;pos=c1;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" width="300" height="250" border="0" /></a>   David Schleich, president of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, says barriers should be removed to making naturopaths primary care providers. <a href="http://a.collective-media.net/jump/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=3;pos=c2;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" target="_blank"><img src="http://a.collective-media.net/ad/bzj.portland/blog;section=health_care;cmn=bzj;at=blog_post;pageid=12546172;template=article_page_print;tile=3;pos=c2;kw=portland;page=12546172;vs=health_care;co=3277865;sz=300x250;ord=1376979776.5032.8.13176?" width="300" height="250" border="0" [...]

Doctor shortage? Remove barriers to naturopathic doctors2013-08-20T06:43:28+00:00

6 Ways to Eat Peanut and Other Nut Butters


It's no wonder that fitness fanatics are usually peanut butter fiends -- unlike eggs, meat or beans, you don't have to fire up the stove to get all the nutty protein and gut-filling fats peanut butter provides. Just pop the top, grab a spoon, and you're growing muscle while fighting fat. But just using peanut [...]

6 Ways to Eat Peanut and Other Nut Butters2013-08-18T19:04:07+00:00

10 Reasons to Run (Even If You Don’t Like Running!)


August 13, 2013 SUMMARY: This is a guest post from Susan Olding, award-winning writer, poet, and avid exerciser – albeit reluctant runner. Susan’s one of my coaching clients. In this guest post she shares her love/hate relationship with running. And, she illustrates why sometimes, even if we don't like a particular form of exercise, it can [...]

10 Reasons to Run (Even If You Don’t Like Running!)2013-08-16T22:16:40+00:00

The truth behind the “big bones” statement


 These two pictures show body scans of two women approximately the same age and height. The one on the left weighs 113 kg (250 lbs), while the one on the right weighs 54 kg (120 lbs). Accumulated adipose tissue is not the only difference between the two; the obese woman has an enlarged heart and [...]

The truth behind the “big bones” statement2013-07-18T15:13:12+00:00

Vitamins: Too much of a not-so-good thing?


Vitamins: Too much of a not-so-good thing? By Elizabeth Landau, CNN updated 1:44 PM EDT, Thu June 20, 2013 http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/health/2013/06/19/sgmd-paul-offit-mega-vitamins.cnn.html Dr. Paul Offit: Absolutely avoid megavitamins Source: CNN STORY HIGHLIGHTS Studies have shown that vitamins have been linked to disease and death Too much antioxidant vitamins may disrupt the immune system's natural processes Dr. Paul [...]

Vitamins: Too much of a not-so-good thing?2013-06-21T19:26:11+00:00

Circadian ryhthm in plants and the effect on their nutrients?


How Circadian Rhythms Give Vegetables A Healthy Boost by Allison Aubrey June 20, 2013 6:34 PM Click the link to hear the lecture. http://prospectivelyhealthy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/circadian-rythym-and-plants.mp3   Just as we have internal clocks that help regulate the systems in our bodies, fruit and vegetable plants have circadian rhythms, too. And a new study published in Current Biology [...]

Circadian ryhthm in plants and the effect on their nutrients?2013-06-21T16:58:30+00:00

Childhood Obesity


According to World Health Organization (WHO), one child in every three aged 6 to 9 years is overweight or obese. What can you do TODAY to help change this? Email us at prospectivelyhealthy@outloo.com

Childhood Obesity2013-06-19T06:04:43+00:00

Quinoa Burritos


(Makes 2 Servings)more amazing recipes => http://tinyurl.com/FitCooking280KFanOffer - Ingredients• 2 small whole wheat tortillas ...• ½ cup quinoa, cooked• 4 egg whites• ½ avocado, cubed• 1 cup lettuce, shredded• ½ cup salsa• ¼ cup red onion, diced• ½ cup black beans• ¼ cup fresh cilantro - Directions1. Cook quinoa and egg whites separately. Then mix with [...]

Quinoa Burritos2013-06-18T01:33:50+00:00

ENZO Nutraceuticals


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L41nA1rmIxE Learn more about the active components in Enzogenol. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything you would like to know.

ENZO Nutraceuticals2013-06-10T04:53:47+00:00


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