
Make Connections


Get Connected with Business Presentations We charge $40 per hour, or $200 per presentation, which ever is in favor of the client, for content generation. All materials generated become the property of the business after the first presentation and can be reproduced and distributed as deemed necessary [...]

Educate Yourself


Prospectively Healthy is teaming up with local businesses to offer health-based courses at an affordable price. We believe in the power of education. If you would like to learn how to implement some simple yet powerful changes in your life for a healthier you- these classes are your answer. Check [...]

Get Healthy


Primary Care Physicians With so many variations in definition, the term Primary Care requires a bit of explanation in the medical field. Here at Prospectively Healthy, Dr. Dustin Moffitt believes that a primary care physician is someone who does your annual exam, screenings, and blood work. But further [...]

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