
Walking for only 10 minutes improves blood sugar after meals.


Several studies show how diabetes, particularly type 2,  can benefit from exercise, however in this study it shows that even the slightest change can help in reducing blood glucose levels. The study examined whether taking 10-minute episodes of walking after each meal provided greater benefit than a single 30-minute walk. The investigators found that [...]

Walking for only 10 minutes improves blood sugar after meals.2017-02-10T14:39:05+00:00

New pain marker that is triggered by foods!


p-S10H3 is a proposed epigenetic marker for pain signaling that has shown to raise in relation to certain foods. This is another example of the foods that we eat everyday that can be leading to the pain that we feel for long periods of time or the pain the never seems to go away. [...]

New pain marker that is triggered by foods!2017-02-09T18:20:38+00:00

Winter Pancakes


[recipe id="1113"] This winter pancake recipe is perfect for fast-paced mornings and preparing ahead. We love to put the dry ingredients in a mason jar, and a label on the outside of the jar of the wet ingredients still needed. Mix up a couple jars at a time, and store them in the cabinet. The [...]

Winter Pancakes2017-01-15T18:02:09+00:00

Echinachea equally as good as oseltamivir.


Plant medicine when used appropriately can often meet or beat the standard conventional treatments and tend to have less side effects. For further information call your Naturopathic Doctor near you to schedule an appointment. Or feel free to give our office a call. "Recovery from illness in the Echinacea formulation group was observed in [...]

Echinachea equally as good as oseltamivir.2017-01-04T23:52:03+00:00

Mexican Cauliflower Rice


Many people ask me how I manage to eat so many tacos, stir fries, and crockpot meals without eating grains, carbs, and high-calorie meals on a daily basis. My main answer is this: disguise your vegetables. This recipe, originally created by Sweet Cannela, is a great start! Use cauliflower rice to replace rice in stir [...]

Mexican Cauliflower Rice2016-11-12T20:54:01+00:00

Thyroid Patients & Antibiotics


Thyroid patients be careful of which antibiotics you are taking. Fluoroquinolones, a class of antibiotics, can be detrimental to the health status of those affected by irregular thyroid conditions. This antibiotic is included in brand names such as Ciprofloxacin, Cipro, Ciloxan eye drops, Levofloxacin, Levaquin, Quixin, Moxifloxacin, Avelox, Vigamox eye drops, Norfloxacin, Noroxin, Ofloxacin, Ocuflox, Floxin, [...]

Thyroid Patients & Antibiotics2016-11-12T20:44:58+00:00

The Effects of Parent’s Choices on Children


Originally created by, this brief video demonstrates how much impact your choices as a parent can have on your children's future. Our entire team works hard to help show parents how the choices they make have a lasting effect. Thank you for this video

The Effects of Parent’s Choices on Children2016-11-12T20:48:24+00:00

Operation: Add the Veggies


Eating vegetables is a strange, and foreign concept to many people in our current culture. A swift pick me up at the grocery store is not often our first choice. But by making a conscious choice to change, one meal at a time, you can be on your way to a healthier, stronger you! Huffington [...]

Operation: Add the Veggies2016-11-12T20:51:16+00:00

Enzogenol approved for GRAS in US!


NEWS ENZOGENOL gains GRAS (Food-safe Status) in U.S. Auckland, NZ – February 15, 2013 – Enzogenol® has been used for over 12 years in several dietary supplement formulations in the U.S., New Zealand, Japan and many Australasian countries for brain health, cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory benefits. It is now certified for use in food applications. New [...]

Enzogenol approved for GRAS in US!2014-06-10T18:04:52+00:00

Dietary Choices of Pregnant Mothers Last A Lifetime- or Three


Epigenetics, as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica, is the study of the chemical modification of specific genes or gene-associated proteins of an organism. This means that what you are exposed to now affects the future generations in your bloodline. Current research shows that a grandparent's life choices will affect the child, long before those of the parent will. [...]

Dietary Choices of Pregnant Mothers Last A Lifetime- or Three2016-11-12T21:01:49+00:00


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